Puddle Duck has made some new LOs and she wanted to show you all.  First is this one she did at the crop on Saturday, using the Sketchabilities sketch provided by Deb and a photo from last year at Legoland with her BFF.

This is one she did the month before but still hasn’t got round to writing any journalling.

And finally this one she did when her friends came round yesterday.  Six 7 – 8 YO girls – I must be a glutten for punishment!!!


I was about to type that yesterday was a washout, but actually that’s not quite true.  We were in a rush as usual and turned up at Puddle Duck’s swimming class to find out that she had been moved from the 9.30 to 12.00 class.  This is good, because she has been waiting for a place to become available so she can move up to Grade 3 for ages, but bad because no-one had told us and we were planning on spending the day at the Bromsgrove crop.  Even worse because Puddle Duck is still at that age where she has a complete strop at the slightest thing – and changing plans and not having things go exactly as she expects is NOT the slightest thing to her!

So off we went back home and had our own mini crop – broken with a trip to the swimming class followed by lunch out because she did so well in the new class.  And a new outfit because she is growing so fast.

She wanted me to post the LO she did using this sketch from My Sketch World.

I can see this becoming more frequent, so I’ve decided to give her her own page.  We’ll see how it goes.

6 responses »

  1. Wow, she did a fantastic job with the sketch…. and I love the pink papers and doily!!! It is so refreshing to see someone her age enjoying this great hobby!!! TFS…. And tell her thank you for joining us over at Sketchabilities ~ hope to see her again!!

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